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About Us

This year we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the John Sinclair character by Vicente Ballestar.

Our mission, and this website's, is to preserve his artistic legacy, making it available to both long-time fans and new generations of them.

Now you can collect the wonderful fine art prints from the original covers of the Ghost Hunter John Sinclair, authentic gems of the pulp genre and illustration in general.

The artworks bring back the aesthetics of a whole era, with technicolor hues and scenes that catch our eye. Who didn't, at some point, play cowboys and Indians? Who wasn't a pirate? Who didn't go into an abandoned house to look for ghosts and monsters? Those are the worlds we inhabited as children and, today, we rediscover in these spectacular illustrations by Ballestar.

More material will be at your disposal soon. Stay tuned!



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